Do you know someone studying to help the environment?

Let us help them reach their full potential.

Northland Regional Council’s Tū i te ora Scholarship recognises and supports students to undertake tertiary study, research or training that relates to council’s environmental and regulatory functions – providing a springboard for future environmental leaders and champions, whilst contributing to council’s vision: ‘Our Northland – together we thrive’.

There are six scholarships available. Each includes $4,000 to help with study costs plus a paid full-time work experience opportunity with Northland Regional Council from mid-November 2024 to mid-February 2025. 

Three scholarships are dedicated to Māori who whakapapa to Taitokerau.

Ko te manu i kai ana i te miro, nōnā te ngāhere
Ko te manu i kai ana i te mātauranga, nōnā te ao!

The bird that consumes the miro berry reigns in the forest
The bird that consumes knowledge has access to the world!