The Pou Taiao of the Iwi Chairs Forum and Te Wai Māori Trust are offering an introductory Te Mana o te Wai Training Programme, delivered by Poipoia. This programme will provide hapū and iwi with access to resources and tools to support their freshwater outcomes.

The programme consists of 1.5 days of training: half a day online and one full day in-person for hapū and iwi. This training will be delivered across 14 regions of Aotearoa. Additionally, we are offering a half-day training session for regional Councils to enhance their understanding of Te Mana o te Wai policy at an introductory level.

The training is delivered at an introductory level to provide a foundation for hapū and iwi to determine what Te Mana o te Wai looks like for you within your takiwā.

We are striving for a broad representation of taiao practitioners from all iwi and hapū in the region who are interested in attending.


Northland Programme Outline:
Online Hui: TBC

Hapū and Iwi Full Day Hui: 6 August 2024, 10.30am – 5pm
Hosted by Nga Tangariki o Ngati Hine Trust

Half Day Council Hui: 7 August 2024, 9am – 12.30pm


Please note, we have a limited number of places available, capped at 30 attendees per region. We aim to achieve a balanced representation of hapū and iwi participants in the training.


Programme Outcomes:

  • Support the delivery of Te Mana o te Wai wānanga and outcomes within your hapū and iwi.
  • Build confidence within whānau, hapū, and iwi to address their taiao and freshwater issues and realize their aspirations.
  • Assist hapū and iwi in participating in and responding to RMA processes that align with local tikanga and kawa.
  • Empower hapū and iwi to exercise rangatiratanga over their freshwater needs, and develop and implement whānau, hapū, and iwi aspirations and mātauranga Māori.
  • Prepare hapū and iwi to navigate upcoming reforms, including providing guidance on responses and maintaining progress.


Please register via the provided link: