Tēnā koutou katoa,
He mihi tēnei ki a koutou i tae atu ki te whakarewatanga o te kaupapa ‘Te Purunga Ki Te Raki’ i tū ki Waitangi i te 1 o ngā rā o tēnei marama Noema. He mea tino pai ki te kite i te kaha tini hoki o koutou i puta mai ki te tautoko i te kaupapa nei. Ga atu ana ki ngā
Kua whakatakotohia te mānuka, kua purua te putanga i a tātou e anga whakamua atu ana ki ngā tūmanakotanga.
Thank you very much to those of you who were able to attend the launch of our Regional Workforce Plan. Te Purunga ki Te Raki members really appreciate your support for this mahi as we firmly place the puru and continue our journey to deliver and move towards the aspirations.
To everyone who was not able to join us on the day, here is a link to the plan. Te Purunga ki Te Raki Regional Workforce Plan (mbie.govt.nz)
To quote Co-chair Harry Burkhardt, “Yes, we are restating long standing issues again – but these still matter! Our freshness is contained in the actions which gives a way forward to which the partners are already committed. Doing nothing is a bigger risk than doing something!” – Harry Burkhardt, Te Purunga ki Te Raki hui 2022.
We look forward to reconnecting with everyone to assist us moving this mahi forward for the whanau of the region.
Nōreira, ka nui ēnei kupu maioha. Ko o tātou mate e okioki nei rātou. Moe mei rā koutou e te iwi nui e moe nei i te pō. Ka whakahokia mai ki a tātou te kanohi ora. Tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, kia ora mai tātou katoa.
On behalf of the Co-chairs
Harry Burkhardt and Toa Faneva
Posted by
Carol Barnett
Regional Lead – Taitokerau
Te Purunga ki Te Raki Regional Skills Leadership Group | Employment, Skills and Immigration Policy | Labour, Science and Enterprise
Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment
The Orchard Business and Development Centre, 35 Walton St. Whangarei