Ko Whakarara te Maunga
Ko Matauri te Moana, te papakainga
Ko Takou te Awa
Ko Mataatua te Waka
Ko Tapui te Marae
Ko Ngapuhi te Tupuna Whare
Ko Ngapuhi, Ngati Toa Rangatira, Moriori nga Iwi
Ko Ngati Kura, Ngati Miro, Ngati Rehia, Ngati Torehina nga Hapu
Ko Tame Tame toku Tupuna Matua
Ko Patariki (Derry) Baker toku Papa
Ko Harata Toms toku Mama

Geraldine is the oldest of three siblings. Her maternal grandparents were Piripi and Rena Toms (nee Taotahi). She was born in Kaeo, grew up in South Auckland (was a foundation pupil of Nga Tapuwae College now known as Southern Cross Campus), but has spent the last 34 years living on papakainga at Matauri Bay, raising her 3 sons. She also has four grandchildren.

Geraldine has successfully completed a Post Graduate Diploma of Business (PGDipBus) in Maori Development through the University of Auckland, and a Masters of Business Administration (MBA) through Massey University. Her previous occupations have included banking, accounting, working for a publisher, an executive officer within an Aboriginal owned and controlled health organisation and within the Australian Federal Court system, however, she has spent most of her latter working life in Maori/Iwi development, for at least three Iwi organisations within Te Tai Tokerau.

Geraldine contributes her time and skills voluntarily as Co-Chair of the Maori Incorporation that looks after her whanauโ€™s whenua Maori on behalf of 500+ shareholders. In her spare time she likes to do cool stuff with her whanau and friends; travel; garden; exercise (body and mind); read and potter around her house.