Te Kahu o Taonui is a Northland Collective of Iwi Chairs. These e-pānui are a series of regular statements on issues of importance to Te Tai Tokerau which highlights areas of concern that impacts their respective communities.
Signed Iwi Chairs:
Harry Burkhardt (Ngāti Kuri), Rick Witana (Te Aupōuri), Haami Piripi (Te Rarawa), Wallace Rivers (Ngāi Tākoko) Margaret Mutu (Ngāti Kahu), Roger Kīngi (Kahukuraariki), Murray Moses (Whaingaroa) Mere Mangu (Ngāpuhi) Haydn Edmonds (Ngāti Wai) Naida Glavish (Ngāti Whātua).
View Te Kahu o Taonui e-pānui archive
The purpose of this digest is to disseminate information to the iwi collective, which can be further circulated to your iwi members, whānau and communities. The information is a collation of different news items and important intel received through several channels today in a compact bulletin. Our goal is to feature as many Taitokerau specific kaupapa and news that will be valued by our readers. In addition, we have suggested some further actions that the collective might regard as important issues to follow up.