Nga Whānuku O Whangaroa

Northland COVID-19 Update – 8 November, 2021

Kia ora koutou, There are five new COVID-19 cases to report in Northland today. Four of the cases were notified after the Ministry’s 9am reporting cut-off and will be added to the official case tally tomorrow. The total number of cases in Northland is now 23 which...

COVID-19 Update – 31 October 2021

Kia ora koutou There are 12 confirmed COVID-19 community cases in Northland and all of the cases are isolating at home. There are seven new locations of interest identified in Mangawhai, Kaiwaka and Whangārei – please see below. Note that Public Health interviews with...

Ngapuhi Hokianga Ki Te Raki Takiwa

Tena tatou katoa, As you will all know we now have a whanaunga and her family in Mangamuka who has tested positive for Covid-19. A big mihi to them for their openness and consideration of our community, sharing their story with us all. Whakamiharo. Please find below...

Te Runanga o Whaingaroa Super Shot Saturday, 16th October 2021

Hūpā Hātarei ki Whangaroa!!! Nau mai e te iwi!!! Haere mai kia werohia katoatia tātou! Haere mai kia haumaru tātou! Pēnā he pātai, he āwangawanga raini, haere mai kia wānangahia! This Saturday we're doing our part to support the SUPER SATURDAY National event to...