Pānui | Hauora/Health and Wellbeing

Psychosocial First Aid Courses

Kia Ora Koutou Katoa I am aware many of you will have completed this already but you may have new people who haven’t, I have had a conversation with facilitator Sarah Gribben (contact details below), as far as I am aware they haven’t run any of these up here post this...

Census 2023 – New Facebook Page

Tena koutou, Apologies if you have received this email twice, we had a glitch in our distribution list yesterday. Census 2023 - Tuesday 7th March 2023 Census is our chance to represent ourselves, our whānau, our Iwi - census gives us the power to create change that...

Census 2023 – Message from Whaea Ella Henry

Message from Whaea Ella Henry: Kia ora koutou, this is a message for my Ngātikahu ki Whangaroa whānau. I just got the census form 2023c which we can do online this year. I am writing so you can let the you all know, when it comes to Iwi options, we can edit it. The...