Kahukuraariki Trust Annual General Meeting – Otangaroa Marae, 30th Sept 2023
Tena koutou e te iwi, The AGM (Annual General Meeting) for Kahukuraariki Trust Board will be held on the 30th September 2023 at Otangaroa Marae starting at 9am, our agenda is attached to this notice. Please keep an eye on our website and FB page for the link to our...
Public engagement on potential NPS-HPL amendments
Kahukuraariki Iwi Trust – Hui a Iwi 25 Aug 2023
He pānui: Take āhuarangi – COMMENCING THIS EVENING
E te tini o nga whanaunga no te rohe o Whaingaroa tena koutou. Ko Mike Smith tēnei, te kaiwhakahaere o ēnei hui e whai ake nei, e mihi ana ki a koutou. Kia whakapā atu ki tātou mō tētahi kaupapa tino nui, ko te huringa āhuarangi, ā, me whai whakaaro tātou ki te...
Upcoming Kotahitanga Wananga 30 August 2023
Release of biodiversity credits discussion document
Kia ora koutou Please share the attachments with our Kawenata landholders regarding the Biodiversity credit system discussion document that Minister Shaw released and announced on Friday 7 July. The discussion document explores the potential for a biodiversity credit...