Te Tauākī Kaupapa Here ā-Motu mō Te Whakatau i ngā Mōrearea ā-Taiao
Tēnā koe E mihi ana i runga i ngā āhuatanga o te wā. On Monday you received an email announcing that the Government has launched public consultation on how central government can support local government decision making on new development in areas that are at high...
Engagement on National Policy Statement on Natural Hazards Decision-making
12 September 2023 Ahatia ngā whiunga ā-āhuarangi he iwi manawaroa tātou E ngā maunga e tū tonu rā, e ngā awa e rere rā, e ngā moana a papaki mai rā, tēnā koutou. Maringi noa ngā roimata mō ngā aitua, haere ki te okioikingā o te tangata. Tātou e noho moke nei tēnā...
Te Aka Whai Ora | National Iwi and Māori Provider 14 Sept 2023 Hui Agenda and 10 Aug 2023 Notes
Kia ora Tatou Attached is the Te Aka Whai Ora | National Iwi and Māori Provider 14 Sept 2023 Hui Agenda; and 10 Aug 2023 Notes. This hui is an opportunity of Te Aka Whai Ora to be in close relationship with iwi and Māori providers, with regular virtual hui enabling...
Kahukuraariki Trust Annual General Meeting – Otangaroa Marae, 30th Sept 2023
Tena koutou e te iwi, The AGM (Annual General Meeting) for Kahukuraariki Trust Board will be held on the 30th September 2023 at Otangaroa Marae starting at 9am, our agenda is attached to this notice. Please keep an eye on our website and FB page for the link to our...
Public engagement on potential NPS-HPL amendments