Pānui | News

Crown RM Reform Engagement Hui

Crown RM Reform Engagement Hui Kia ora koutou We have been advised that Manatū mō te Taiao, Ministry for the Environment will be conducting hui, led by Hon Kiritapu Allan, in her capacity as the Associate Minister for the Environment. We have not been involved in...

Resource Management Reform Points To Inform Discussions At MFE Hui

Resource Management Reform Points To Inform Discussions At MFE Hui Introductory comments As iwi will know, in 2019, the Government commissioned an expert review of the resource management system led by retired Court of Appeal Judge Hon Tony Randerson QC. The...

Te Aka Pūtaiao (Kaupae 5)

Te Aka Pūtaiao (Kaupae 5) The level 5 certificate in environmental studies provides students with a broad range of skills and knowledge to examine traditional and contemporary models of science relating to the environment. The programme aims to: provide opportunities...

Taemaro Marae Pānui

The hui we had over Labour weekend was really good. It was particularly special to be able to connect with whānau and our whenua after keeping our distance in order to keep each other safe. Please note, our next kanohi ki kanohi hui is the AGM in January 2021. Details...