Pānui | News

Takutai Moana Hui (MACA)

Kia Ora Koutou Please see attached minutes from our previous hui held 9 March 2022.  I also attach spreadsheet of overlapping claims re Whangaroa rohe.  Please pass on to any  claimants I have not identified on the list above Agenda to follow in due course Join Zoom...

Kahukuraariki Trust Board Registration

E ngā uri o Kahukuraariki, tēnā koutou katoa. We would like to encourage you to update your details and consider creating a MāoriMe account and linking it to Kahukuraariki Trust Board. MāoriMe is an online tool that allows you to keep in touch with all the iwi...

Kahukuraariki Trust Board AGM/SGM change of date

Tena koutou,   please find attached a notice regarding the change of date for the Kahukuraariki Trust Board AGM/SGM. [pdf-embedder url="https://www.kahukuraariki.iwi.nz/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/20222802-Panui-for-Change-of-AGM-date.pdf" title="20222802 Panui for...

Three Waters National Transition Unit update

Kia ora me ngā mihi o te tau hōu Pākehā, The Three Waters reform programme is one of the largest scale reforms that New Zealand has seen for many years. Through it, we will unlock the potential for significant additional investment in our three waters infrastructure,...