Concerns regarding face masks found in our environment
Wai 2700 – Mana Wāhine Kaupapa Inquiry
Please find the links below to the latest information regarding the Mana Wahine Kaupapa Inquiry [pdf-embedder...
Pou Take Āhuarangi – Media & Updates, 4 April 2022
Face Masks and RATS tests available
We have face masks and Rapid Antigen Tests available for Iwi members. If your Marae or local community has a hub set up for distribution, please give our office a call on 09 4060294 or email or comment below. We will drop some supplies to...
Upcoming Māori-engagement workshops on climate change adaptation and managed retreat
Upcoming Māori-engagement workshops on climate change adaptation and managed retreat The Ministry for the Environment will be hosting a series of online workshops to discuss and identify with Māori the implications and issues of ‘managed retreat’. These workshops are...