Wildlife Act and CMAP – Regional Virtual Hui 18 and 20 May
Upcoming engagement on whāngai and adoption law reform proposals
Tēnā koe Upcoming engagement on whāngai and adoption law reform proposals We are writing to you to inform you that the Ministry of Justice is intending to shortly begin a second round of engagement on adoption law reform. This year’s engagement will focus on options...
Engage with Conservation Law Reform – 16 – 20 May (Virtual Hui)
Job opportunity: MPI looking for Aquaculture Analysts
Kia ora koutou, Do you want to help deliver the Government's aquaculture strategy while also making a positive difference for Māori, communities, and our natural environment? The Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) is advertising for two Aquaculture...
Iwi Chairs Forum – 9 May 2022 National Adaptation Plan
Mōrena tātou, Please find below the Zoom link and Meeting ID for our National Adaptation Plan hui this evening from 6.30pm to 8.00pm. Ngā mihi, Mike Smith. National Adaptation Plan Hui New Zealand has significant exposure to natural hazards...
UPDATE – Three Waters Working Group Report – Government response
[pdf-embedder url="https://www.kahukuraariki.iwi.nz/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/Summary-Table-of-Working-Group-recommendations-and-Government-response-embargoed-until-11am-29-April.pdf" title="Summary Table of Working Group recommendations and Government response -...