FNDC Resource Consent Application – Jetty and boat ramp in CMA at Nilssons Bridge, Oruaiti River, Mangonui Harbour
Consultation on proposals for changing forestry settings on the registration in the New Zealand ETS
Resource Management Reforms Submission Template
Join our webinar ‘E oho! Data sovereignty: Transforming data ecosystems for Māori’
Kia ora koutou, We are delighted to invite you to our online E oho! talk: E oho! Data sovereignty: Transforming data ecosystems for Māori Thursday 19 May 2022, 12.10pm to 1:30pm Professor Tahu Kukutai talks about the importance of Māori data sovereignty for Aotearoa...
Managed Coastline Retreat – 18 May 2022
National Iwi Chairs Forum Pou Take Āhuarangi Hui Reminder 17 May 2022 Mōrena tātou, Please find below the Zoom link and Meeting ID for our Managed Coastline Retreat hui tomorrow evening, Wednesday 18th May from 6.30pm to 8.00pm. Ngā mihi,...