Severe Weather Warning 24/25 Jul 22
Kia Orana koutou, Below is a summary of the impacts we have been made aware of in Northland overnight and early this morning. Firstly, apologies for the tardiness of the reporting, the key information required about future weather actions took longer to ascertain....
A Guide to Customary Research Proposals and Processes
Kaunihera Hauora-Te Kahu o Taonui Update
Tena tatou katoa, Yesterday evening the Kaunihera Hauora Te Kahu o Taonui met. Please see below brief updates. Date: Wednesday 13th July 2022 Time: 6.00pm – 6.40pm Present: Nicole, Harry, Wane, Wallace, Mariameno, Ellie, Kiri Leach, Antony, Kiri SH Update on IMPB tono...
Three Waters Reform Programme
HOLD THE DATE: Whangārei Terenga Parāoa Marae, 10 Porowini Ave, Morningside, Whangarei Kia ora koutou Ngaa mihi ki a koutou i raro i ngaa tini aahuatanga o te waa. I hope you are well. As you know, in July 2020, the government launched the Three Waters Reform...
Bio-Marine offering paid traineeships for Ngati Kahu ki Whangaroa
Are you Ngati Kahu ki Whangaroa? Are you interested in a potential career in aquaculture? Then consider a traineeship with Bio-Marine, offered in conjunction with the Kahukuraariki Trust Board Paid positions for up to eight trainees available immediately Apply now...
Three Waters Reform Update – 30 June 2022