Pānui | News

Three Waters Reform Programme

HOLD THE DATE: Whangārei Terenga Parāoa Marae, 10 Porowini Ave, Morningside, Whangarei Kia ora koutou Ngaa mihi ki a koutou i raro i ngaa tini aahuatanga o te waa. I hope you are well.  As you know, in July 2020, the government launched the Three Waters Reform...

Bio-Marine offering paid traineeships for Ngati Kahu ki Whangaroa

Are you Ngati Kahu ki Whangaroa? Are you interested in a potential career in aquaculture? Then consider a traineeship with Bio-Marine, offered in conjunction with the Kahukuraariki Trust Board Paid positions for up to eight trainees available immediately Apply now...

Kahukuraariki Trust Board AGM – 18 June 2022, 9am

Morena koutou, please see below the documents for the AGM to be held 18th June 2022, Waihapa Marae, timata 9am [pdf-embedder url="https://www.kahukuraariki.iwi.nz/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/Combined-AGM-Documents-June-2022.pdf" title="Combined AGM Documents - June...