Pānui | News

Takutai Moana Hui (MACA) 21 Sept 2022

Kia ora koutou Please find attached to this email the agenda for Wednesday’s hui as well as the minutes of our last hui in August. Zoom Link for Wednesday 21st September, 6pm: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82668196980?pwd=ZWNvM0lhQ0s5TmIzdEpzaUovRkRqUT09 [pdf-embedder...

Papakāinga Web series – TPK

Kia ora koutou, E mihi ana ki a koutou, Here is a link to the new Papakāinga web series freshly produced by Te Puni Kokiri. There are three episodes and they are consistently themed with their current messaging of 'Whanau - Whenua - Whare'. These are a great series...