Pānui | News

Papakāinga Web series – TPK

Kia ora koutou, E mihi ana ki a koutou, Here is a link to the new Papakāinga web series freshly produced by Te Puni Kokiri. There are three episodes and they are consistently themed with their current messaging of 'Whanau - Whenua - Whare'. These are a great series...

Takutai Moana Hui (MACA) 17 August 2022

Kia Ora Koutou Please see attached minutes from our previous hui held 23 March 2022. Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81957211084?pwd=cStCUHJkeTh5N0lkWnlZQ2pKeElzZz09 Meeting ID: 819 5721 1084 Passcode: 076599 [pdf-embedder...