Te Arotake Whakaahuatanga Tangata/The Representation Review 2024 – Final Proposal
Kia ora, Below is an email & PDF attachment distributed from the FNDC. Please find; "I hope this email finds you well. We are writing to you to provide an update on Te Arotake Whakaahuatanga Tangata/The Representation Review 2024. The Far North District Council...
Options for the future of Vocational Education and Training System consultation – Hui 15 August, Whangarei or online webinar
Kia ora TTNEAP friends and colleagues, I hope you are well and thriving in these busy times. I must say I miss our TTNEAP meetings @Jude Thompson! Last Thursday, Tertiary Education Minister Simmonds announced the options for consultation for the future of the...
107565-MAR – University of Otago – Permit Application – Fly Drone near Marine Mammals
Tēnā koe, I am contacting you on behalf of Te Papa Atawhai / Department of Conservation (DOC) regarding an application (attached) from University of Otago who would like to fly drones over whales for research purposes in Northland – between North Cape and offshore of...
Training Programme: Te Mana o Te Wai
[pdf-embedder url="https://www.kahukuraariki.iwi.nz/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/Te-Wai-Maori-Training-Outline-2.pdf"...
DRAFT: FNDC Te Pae o Uta – Te Reo Maori Action Plan
Attached the Te Reo Māori action plan draft from the Te Kuaka Committee...
Stats NZ released the first data from the 2023 Census
Stats NZ released the first data from the 2023 Census. This included population, Māori descent, ethnic group, age, and dwelling counts at national, regional council, and territorial authority (city and district) and Auckland local board levels. At the same time, Te...