Pānui | News

COVID Update – 01 Nov 2022

Tena ra tatou, Attached is an update regarding COVID, in brief summary from Clair our Hauora Lead. Cases are going back up, and despite under-reporting +++, the increase has been greater proportionately for Māori than non-Māori. 264 (34%) of cases were in the Far...

Freshwater in Te Taitokerau

Tēnā koutou, The government has set a new national direction for how we must all look after freshwater.  It’s designed to restore the health of waterways within a generation. As a council, we must implement the government’s plans and as a result we’re preparing a new...

Tēnā koe, We are pleased to inform you that the ‘he waka eke noa’- pricing agriculture emissions workprogramme will be travelling to Te Tai Tokerau to discuss the government’s proposals. The Ministry for Primary Industries and the Ministry for the Environment will be...

MEA x Kanorau Digital Marae-Based Training Programmes for Communities

Tēnā koutou e nga rangatira o Kahukura Ariki MEA have partnered with Kanorau - Te Wānanga o Aotearoa to deliver a series of marae based and community digital programmes over the next month. For more information check out our website www.kanorau.nz We would like to...

Te Pouahi o Te Tai Tokerau

Tēna anō koutou katoa, E tata ana te tāenga mai a Hana Koko, nā reira , kia horo tā tātou āta hāere. Please find attached Panui #5 to keep you all abreast of developments with Te Pouahi o te Taitokerau. roud to share that we have secured a Crown commitment of...