Our Community Grants
InternetNZ | Ipurangi Aotearoa community grants provide contestable funding to support community-led initiatives that extend the availability, use, and benefit of the Internet in Aotearoa....
Maui Nukurau Tangata – Innovation in Iwi Housing E nga tini hapu, e nga tini maunga, e nga tini awa, e nga tini hononga, rarau mai nei ki tenei te MAIHI Whare Wananga 2022. E kore e mimiti te puna o mihi ki a koutou i tae tuihono mai, i tae a tinana mai ki ta tatou...
Te Tai Kaha – Resource Management Legislation reforms ONLINE BRIEFINGS
Tangata whenua-led aquaculture in Te Tai Tokerau hui 23rd November 2022
Notes from hui with nga tangata whenua o Te Tai Tokerau 23 November 2023 [pdf-embedder url="https://www.kahukuraariki.iwi.nz/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/MPI-Presentation-for-Te-Tai-Tokerau-opportunities-assessment-23-Nov-2022-V3.pdf" title="MPI Presentation for Te Tai...
Karakia Peaceful March 14th December 2022 Dargaville
Aquaculture management in the future resource management system
Kia ora koutou, Information about some aquaculture related webinars scheduled to start next week that you may be interested in joining. These will be run by Michael Nielsen and Timoti Gallagher (in attendance at the hui last week). At the hui last week, we mentioned...