Pānui | News

Northland CDEM Update – RED weather warning

Morena koutou, Although this event has begun with only moderate rainfall for most parts of Northland up to this point and no further significant issues on the roads, we - and all of the region's emergency services and partner agencies - continue to urge Northlanders...

Fire & Emergency New Zealand site occupation

Public consultation for the granting of a long-term lease and transfer of buildings and assets to Fire and Emergency New Zealand for 721 Taupo Bay Road, Mangonui, I can now confirm the consultation is live. The public notice will run from the 30th January to the 27th...

State of Emergency will be declared at 1pm today for Tai Tokerau rohe

Kia ora koutou, Please be advised a State of Emergency will be declared at 1pm today for Tai Tokerau rohe. The warrant for State of Emergency will be in place for 7 days. Note the decision was made this morning with Snow Tane as TKoT CDEM Rep present - this is viewed...

Te Tangihanga a Titewhai Harawira

Tihei Mauri Ora Tu noa ana nga maunga whakahi te riu o te whenua ko te reo o mihi rere ki uta, rere ki tai e nga karekare o Te Taitokerau. E te whaea, e te mareikura haere I te ara whanui, I te ara I ngaro ai koutou I te ao turoa ki te huihuinga o Matariki. E tangi...