Pānui – National Policy Statement for Indigenous Biodiversity
Seeking expressions of interests for permanent Trustees and Project Control Group members
'Ko o tatou kainga noho, he mea hanga' With our own hands we will build durable homes and communities' Tēnā koutou katoa, Te Pouahi o Te Taitokerau is seeking dynamic and experienced Trustees and Project Control Group Members! A BRIEF DESCRIPTION...
E-Tangata Newsletter 24 April 2023
Upcoming Māori Engagement Survey
Waka Kotahi, the New Zealand Transport Agency, see strengthening our relationships with Māori as a key priority. We are giving Māori we engage with an opportunity to give us feedback via a short, online survey. This will help us to monitor how we are performing and...
Northland CDEM Forum 3 May 2023
Please see attached pānui for the CDEM Forum, being held Wednesday 3rd May, 10am-2pm at Semenoff Stadium, Whāngarei. Please note registration is required
Consultation now open on strengthening renewable electricity national direction
Tēnā koe, We're reaching out to advise you that today the Government opened consultation on proposals to strengthen Government direction for consenting renewable electricity infrastructure under the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA). We are proposing updates...