Pānui | News

Ngati Kahu ki Whangaroa involvement in Fish Passage

Tēnā koutou, I am contacting you as the project lead for fish passage at Northland Regional Council.  I stay above the Hikurangi repo in Whakapara.  Ko Alex toku ingoa. The concept of ‘fish passage’ refers to the ability of our native fish to migrate from salt to...

Iwi strongly reject Crown’s Kermadec Ocean Sanctuary proposal

[pdf-embedder url="https://www.kahukuraariki.iwi.nz/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/Media-Release-Iwi-strongly-reject-Crowns-Kermadec-Ocean-Sanctuary-proposal-13-June-2023-Final-003.pdf" title="Media Release - Iwi strongly reject Crowns Kermadec Ocean Sanctuary proposal -...