Tēnā tātou,
The Freshwater Iwi Advisory Group is taking the opportunity to present to our whānau in Muriwhenua on key Taiao related matters that are set to impact our iwi and hapū over the coming years. Particularly, the RM Reform, Three Waters Reform, NPS-Indigenous Biodiversity and NPS-Freshwater Management.
The purpose of this hui is to provide an update on where we have landed on kaupapa, outstanding critical issues, where you can get involved and to provide opportunities for iwi and hapū to consider how they might participate. Attached to this Email you will find the panui for this hui, we ask that this be shared on private Access pages and not on public forums.
The Freshwater Iwu Advisory Group rep will be Nicki Douglas and we look forward to presenting you all as hosted by Ngāti Kuri at KaŪri.
Please share this calendar invite to whānau, hoa mahi etc. Who may be interested in attending, hei te Wenerei e te whanau,