National Iwi Chairs Forum


Pou Take Āhuarangi


Hui Reminder
17 May 2022

Mōrena tātou,

Please find below the Zoom link and Meeting ID for our Managed Coastline Retreat hui tomorrow evening, Wednesday 18th May from 6.30pm to 8.00pm.

Ngā mihi,

Mike Smith.


Managed Retreat from the Coastline


There are many Māori communities in coastal fringes and lowland areas who are already exposed to flooding, erosion and sedimentation, and these risks are projected to increase with sea-level rise. Other Māori-owned land is steep and susceptible to damage from high-intensity rainstorms. About 80 per cent of land and ocean-based resources owned by Māori are held in multiple or communal ownership. Some Māori are less able to ‘retreat’ to other areas which can increase the complexity of managed retreat.


Te Pou Take Āhuarangi team would like to invite you to attend a briefing on this issue at:

6:30pm – 8:00pm, Wednesday 18th May
Meeting ID: 890 5717 6944