Tena koutou e te iwi,
During the recent round of hui-a-iwi held within our rohe and Auckland the common key message we heard concerned the Iwi Registration database, held by the Kahukuraariki Trust Board.
Over the past 2 months we have transitioned the database into a new system, known as Tiki-OS. We have been checking that membership data contained within it to ensure that all the beneficiaries within the database whakapapa to Ngati Kahu ki Whangaroa.
This new system allows iwi members to update their details and their tamariki details online. Our aim is to provide surety and trust in the system and to assist operations to provide clearer communication and greater transparency, which can all be organised and managed via the new database system by email and/or text messaging (provide we have your correct mobile phone number and email).
Online voting will be available for the upcoming AGM/SGM in March 2022, to be held at Waihapa Marae. If Covid and lockdowns persist, we will seek to hold online hui instead (let’s hope we don’t have to). More detail about the hui will be posted shortly but for now whanau, please follow the steps below by using MaoriMe to either register or update your Iwi membership details. We have heard it is a bit hard to navigate at the start, but once you do it a couple of times it becomes much easier for you and your whanau to understand.
If all else fails, you can always email us on register@kahukuraariki.iwi.nz remember the details you put into MaoriMe will automatically update your details on the Ngatikahu ki Whangaroa Iwi Database. Please be assured your details are secure and will not be shared elsewhere.
Nga mihi
Kahukuraariki Trust Board
MaoriMe Online Registration Step by Step Process
- Website: https://maorime.tikios.co.nz/
Not registered with MaoriMe? You will see on the Bottom right-hand corner of the page:
No Login, No Problem. Click here to continue
- This will take you to the first page on logging in where you will start setup of your online login:
Name, DOB, Login Type (choose member from drop down box) below this as you scroll down you will see
- Whakapapa tab is a bit harder to navigate:
Your name goes into the middle of the screen then you can work you way up for your mother’s side and down for you father’s side
- It will also ask for your email and your selected password. You will receive a confirmation email saying You have successfully created a new online account
From here you can build your profile for yourself: you must push save each time you visit a section so as not to lose your information:
- My Details – Profile, Contact Details, Postal Address, these are important parts of the Maorime login and for us to keep in contact with you and keep you updated with your iwi
- Whanau – whakapapa and tamariki, it is important to register your tamariki so they can also be keep informed about their iwi
- Iwi – if you search Kahukuraariki you will see it come up then once you click it will take you to the page for choosing your hapu and marae. You can choose as many iwi as you wish, this is not limited to one iwi all you have to do is search the iwi your whakapapa to.
- Demographics – in this section you can answer questions about Te Reo. Education. These are not compulsory whanau
- Grants – this is for grants distribution
- Hui – this is to keep you informed of hui happening within the iwi (we will also be updating this on our website and FB page)
- Permits – this a new feature which is for customary fisheries permits within the Rohe of Kahukuraariki (Ngati Kahu ki Whangaroa)
Kapai and good luck. If you get stuck, please call Rosie 021 607 393