E ngā iwi huri noa, te iti me te rahi e te katoa,
We have received requests for supporting information for submissions on the ERP due tomorrow.
While the deadline for submissions on the ERP discussion document is tomorrow, we met today with the Deputy Secretary on Climate Policy and have assurances that MfE will continue to receive submissions that iwi send after the official deadline – although there will not be an announcement of any extensions
For those of you who are yet to submit that would still like to prepare something, we have attached the material provided in our fourth quarter report to the NICF, along with a few links to helpful guides from organisations happy to share their analysis or expertise focused on specific sectors relating to emissions reductions.
Also attached are quick submissions guides as examples if you are pressured for time. (It can take approx. 20-30mins for a quick submission).
Welcome to copy/cut and paste any of the information provided to support your own kōrero.
Submissions are very important, but please be aware that this is not the only or last opportunity for your iwi to express any priorities or concerns on emissions policies – the ERP will not be completed and released until May 2022.
Could you please answer and return the survey we will be forwarding to you specifically about the ERP this week.
On 13 October 2021, the government released the ERP discussion document called ‘Te hau mārohi ki anamata – Transition to a low-emissions and climate-resilient future’ – a copy was forwarded that morning to the NICF Secretariat for distribution to all Chairs and Technicians, highlighting the 6-week consultation period that ends 24 November 2021. We prepared a Summary Analysis included in the fourth quarter report to the NICF, and attached today to provide iwi technicians, hapū and whānau with a briefing including contextual overview for participation in discussions and input into the Emissions Reduction Plan.
There are two Transport focused guides as it is a sector that the policies will have direct implications for every individual, whānau, organisation, business and region.
It is also the second largest emissions sector after Agriculture.
A link below is from a community org. Living Streets Aotearoa (LSA) & the attached Lawyers for Climate Change transport focus guide both offer important sector lenses. Reductions in transport, energy and industry sectors are the focus of the first emissions budget, this is where the most efficient and cost-effective reductions can be made in a short period of time.
Reference Submissions
These may be of use in providing details to support your own submission or simply for your information:
Living Streets Aotearoa – Transport
ERP Quick Submission Guide (350 Aotearoa) ERP Quick Submission Guide (PSA) ERP Submission Guide [Lawyers focus on Transport] Support for iwi Submissions on ERP