Te Tangihanga a Titewhai Harawira

Te Tangihanga a Titewhai Harawira

Tihei Mauri Ora Tu noa ana nga maunga whakahi te riu o te whenua ko te reo o mihi rere ki uta, rere ki tai e nga karekare o Te Taitokerau. E te whaea, e te mareikura haere I te ara whanui, I te ara I ngaro ai koutou I te ao turoa ki te huihuinga o Matariki. E tangi...

Nominations open for Te Puna membership

Tēnā koe Department of Internal Affairs is seeking nominations for a vacancy on Te Puna – the Māori advisory group for Taumata Arowai  (the new water regulator). The nomination form and candidate information sheet are attached which contain further information about...