Taemaro Marae Pānui

The hui we had over Labour weekend was really good. It was particularly special to be able to connect with whānau and our whenua after keeping our distance in order to keep each other safe. Please note, our next kanohi ki kanohi hui is the AGM in January 2021. Details...

Forestry Workforce Roadshow 2020

The roadshow is for forestry employers The Forestry Workforce Roadshow is being held in November and December 2020. For the first time, roadshow events will be held online as well as regionally. The roadshow is travelling to four areas – three in the North Island and...

Kahukuraariki Trust Board appoints new General Manager

Kahukuraariki Trust Board (the Trust Board) has today announced the appointment of Geraldine Baker as its General Manager. Geraldine, who is of Ngāpuhi, Ngāti Toa Rangatira and Moriori descent was until recently the General Manager of Te Aupouri Commercial Development...