Takutai Moana Hui (MACA) 17 August 2022

Kia Ora Koutou Please see attached minutes from our previous hui held 23 March 2022. Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81957211084?pwd=cStCUHJkeTh5N0lkWnlZQ2pKeElzZz09 Meeting ID: 819 5721 1084 Passcode: 076599...

Severe Weather Warning SITREP 25 Jul 22

Kia Orana koutou, Below is an update on the summary of the impacts we have been made aware of in Northland over the course of the day. CIRTICAL ISSUES Northland CDEM have posted online through our Facebook page encouraging people to travel home sooner rather than...