Fire & Emergency New Zealand site occupation

Public consultation for the granting of a long-term lease and transfer of buildings and assets to Fire and Emergency New Zealand for 721 Taupo Bay Road, Mangonui, I can now confirm the consultation is live. The public notice will run from the 30th January to the 27th...
Te Tangihanga a Titewhai Harawira

Te Tangihanga a Titewhai Harawira

Tihei Mauri Ora Tu noa ana nga maunga whakahi te riu o te whenua ko te reo o mihi rere ki uta, rere ki tai e nga karekare o Te Taitokerau. E te whaea, e te mareikura haere I te ara whanui, I te ara I ngaro ai koutou I te ao turoa ki te huihuinga o Matariki. E tangi...

Public Nominations for 2023 Appointments

PUBLIC NOMINATIONS FOR 2023 APPOINTMENTS The Minister of Conservation is seeking nominations for public appointments to the New Zealand Conservation Authority / Te Pou Atawhai Taiao o Aotearoa, Game Animal Council, Nature Heritage Fund Committee, and Queen Elizabeth...