by Kahukuraariki | May 23, 2023 | News
by Kahukuraariki | May 22, 2023 | News
by Kahukuraariki | May 17, 2023 | News
Kei ngā mana, kei ngā reo, kei ngā ihi, ngā wehi, me ngā tapu. Tēnei rā te mihinui o Tatauranga Aotearoa ki a koutou. Tēnā koutou katoa. He uri tēnei o Porourangi, o Tuwharetoa, o Raukawa hoki, e mahi nei mō te Tatauranga o te motu, 2023. My name is Atawhai Tibble, I...
by Kahukuraariki | May 15, 2023 | Hauora/Health and Wellbeing, News
HOUSINGTECHNICAL TABLE What is a ‘Housing Technical Table’? Te Kahu o Taonui has launched a housing technical table for Te Tai tokerau, bringing together a small group of technical specialists to support housing projects at any stage. The technical table...