Whangārei District Council, on behalf of the northern Councils is investigating the development of a Te Ao Māori Decision-Making Framework. This is a project that seeks to co-design and develop a Te Ao Māori Decision Making Framework that responds directly to the way decisions are being made by local authorities, in particular climate change.
Hapū and iwi in Te Tai Tokerau have expressed concern that the processes and focus of local government in decision making creates risk when planning for climate change and delivering mitigation responses. There are many strategic documents and drivers for the project including:
- He Whakaputanga 1835 (Declaration of Independence 1835)
- Te Tiriti o Waitangi
- A Priority Action in the Whangārei District Council Draft Climate Action Plan
- Actions in the draft Te Tai Tokerau Climate Adaptation Strategy
- The Terms of Reference in Te Karearea Strategic Partnership Forum Standing Committee of Whangārei District Council.
- The Government ‘whole-of-government’ approach in response to recommendations from the Waitangi Tribunal report, Ko Aotearoa Tēnei for the Wai 262 claim
- The Tane Whakapiripiri report prepared by hapū within Whangārei.
- National Policy Statement on Freshwater Management 2020
- Hapū and iwi planning documents.
The project team would like to understand what climate change and impacts on te taiao mean for iwi and hapu in Te Tai Tokerau. Along with governance and kaupapa Maori decision making models. The principal objectives of the co-design hui and workshops are to gather insights from tangata whenua, haukainga, hapū, iwi and relevant stakeholders from Te Tai Tokerau to inform the development of the decision-making framework.
Currently, there will be two phases of engagement to ensure there is sufficient coverage.
- Phase 1 will focus on regionally targeted engagement with hapū and iwi representatives
- Phase 2 will focus on wider engagement to test and refine the draft framework. The project team will also hold a range of open hui throughout the Tai Tokerau to enable, whanau, haukainga, hapū and marae to participate in the design.
Engagement is planned to take place during November and December and will align with other kaupapa where possible. Co-design workshops and hui are to take place online and face to face at:
- Whangarei
- Kawakawa
- Kaipara
- Hokianga
- Kaeo
- Kaitaia
Dates and locations for these hui will be sent out shortly. It Is not expected that you attend all, but rather choose a location that suits best.
Links via Zoom will also be made available in the invites as we will manage Covid lockdown level restrictions according to Ministry of Health and haukainga guidelines.
Keep an eye out for placeholder invites in your inbox. We would appreciate if you could give us an indication of your attendance by 5th November or have someone nominated to attend. The project is currently resourced and can assist with koha.
If you would like to discuss this Kaupapa further, please respond via email to puawai.kake@wdc.govt.nz or phone on 027 259 2407.