10 May 2021
Eight $3000 tertiary scholarships awarded
Eight $3000 scholarships have been allocated by the Northland Regional Council to support students studying or training in areas aligned to work the council does in the environmental, economic or community resilience fields.
Northland Regional Council Chair Penny Smart says nominations for the council’s ‘Tū i te ora Scholarship’ opened in mid-December last year and closed mid-February.
Worth $3000 each, Chair Smart says the annual scholarships recognise and support students whose efforts reflect the regional council’s key drivers and its mission of ‘working together to create a healthy environment, strong economy and resilient communities’. (The awards can also help provide financial support to students experiencing financial hardship and difficulties.)
“They also aim to build Māori capacity within Te Taitokerau and provide opportunities for further education, with four of the eight scholarships available earmarked for Māori who whakapapa to Te Taitokerau.”
The council received 90 applications for the eight scholarships available, more than half of which were from Māori who whakapapa to Northland.
A selection panel from the council’s Community Engagement, Environmental Services and Māori Engagement teams reviewed the applications.
This year’s winners (alphabetically by surname) are Tayla Bamber, Eden Edwardson, Blake Thomas Hassell, Samaria Jakeman, Elloise Jennings, Katie Ariana McConnell Wells, Iripareraukura Te Tai and Jack Williams.
Tayla Bamber has strong ties to Kaitaia and is studying towards a Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Science, majoring in environmental science and political science.
Eden Edwardson was born in Ōpōtiki but has whakapapa connections to Te Taitokerau. She is currently working towards a Master of Resource and Environmental Management.
Blake Thomas Hassell from Ruawai is studying towards a Bachelor of Science majoring in geography, working towards either a Masters or PhD in Environmental Science.
Samaria Jakeman Born and raised in Taitokerau on the family farm south of Kawakawa, she is studying towards a NZ Diploma in Environmental Management, with plans to continue her studies into a Bachelor of Applied Sciences (Biodiversity Management).
Elloise Jennings from Kaitaia is studying towards a conjoint Bachelor of Arts majoring in geography and Bachelor of Global Studies majoring in global environment and sustainable development.
Katie Ariana McConnell Wells was born and raised in Whangārei and is studying towards a conjoint Bachelor of Laws and Bachelor of Arts majoring in Te Reo Māori.
Iripareraukura Te Tai from Ōmāpere is working towards a Bachelor of Science majoring in environmental science.
Jack Williams has lived in many places in Northland and is currently in his fourth year of study working towards a Masters of Climate Change Policy.
More detailed information about the winners is available online at: https://www.nrc.govt.nz/scholarships2021