Crown RM Reform Engagement Hui
Kia ora koutou
We have been advised that Manatū mō te Taiao, Ministry for the Environment will be conducting hui, led by Hon Kiritapu Allan, in her capacity as the Associate Minister for the Environment. We have not been involved in organising these hui but we understand that the hui will be focused on the proposed reform of the Resource Management system.
As you will know, in 2019, the Government commissioned an expert review of the resource management system led by retired Court of Appeal Judge Hon Tony Randerson QC.
The Panel’s recommendations were informed by consultation, submissions and a series of regional hui in February 2020. The review led to the Panel’s report New Directions for Resource Management in New Zealand published in July 2020.
We understand that the focus of the hui is to seek your views on the recommendations related to Te Tiriti o Waitangi me te ao Māori.
Click here for a short two page summary of the key issues that have been prepared by the Freshwater team on behalf of Pou Taiao. It is very high level but feel free to amend and adopt for your own regional and iwi circumstances.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Ngaa mihi, Donna
Donna Flavell | Chief Executive
Mobile: | Tel: +64 7 838-0988
Email: | Web:
Address: PO Box 648, 4 Bryce Street, Hamilton 3204