Ko te aronga o tēnei hui ko te pōti i tētahi ohu nō Waimahana me Taemaro hei māngai mō Ngāti Aukiwa. Ko Ngāti Aukiwa te mana whenua e whakatairanga ana I te tino rangatiratanga. Ko mātou kaitiaki o te whenua, e pupuri pūmau ana i te mana motuhake o tō mātou whenua o Waikōhatu.

Kia whai reo te hapū i ngā whakawhitinga kōrero ki te tarahiti o Ngāti Kahu ki Whangaroa.

Mai i te rangi me te whenua, ko mātou ngā tino rangatira!!!!

The purpose of the meeting is to elect a group of people (from Taemaro & Waimahana) who would represent Ngāti Aukiwa’s voice as mana whenua in order to uphold our tinorangatiratanga, and kaitiakitanga of the whenua.  That we retain our mana motuhake over Waikōhatu.

The idea is that this voice will represent our mana whenua, our mana motuhake in future discussions with the KTB (Kahukuraariki Trust Board) about Waikōhatu.

When: Saturday 18th January2025

Where: Puhi o the Waka Marae Waimahana

Time: 10.00am

Bring a plate and your questions to the hui

Please share so all whanau can be informed

Naku noa
