Tēnā koutou,
I am contacting you as the project lead for fish passage at Northland Regional Council. I stay above the Hikurangi repo in Whakapara. Ko Alex toku ingoa.
The concept of ‘fish passage’ refers to the ability of our native fish to migrate from salt to freshwater as part of their life cycle. Barriers, like perched culverts, prevent fish from accessing their preferred habitat. Perhaps you have noticed over time that your awa have less fish, or none. Here is some more information.
Currently this project sits within the primary industry compliance team – however I wish to assure you that this project is much larger than a compliance matter.
NIWA have been mentoring us (and Nga Kaitiaki o Nga Wai Māori) to become better trained in this area. This includes the drafting of a “Fish Passage Action Plan” which is a formal document to outline how we will tackle this large problem in Northland.
We need the help of mana whenua to identify, prioritise, and advise us of how fish passage should be managed within your region. We believe that working in partnership is the answer to progress and future proofing the project.
We are involving Te Papa Atawhai, Mountains to Sea Conservation Trust, Fish and Game as well as other authorities like district councils, Waka Kotahi, and Kiwirail.
If you are interested in working with us, please let me know to what capacity you are available. Please also tell me about any barriers in your rohe that are a priority for you.
I am available to come and hui with you.
Ngā mihi maioha 🌻
Alexandra Ashkettle
Senior Environmental Monitoring Officer – Fish Passage
Northland Regional Council » Te Kaunihera ā rohe o Te Taitokerau
P 09 470 1210 | EXT 9039
M 027 202 6029